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Oooohhh Shit...

We're Off to see the Celebs...the wonderful world of celebs! Yet another wonderful trip to LA, our future home! We headed to Burbank when we arrived cause we had to see Simple Plan at Kiis Fm instudio with JoJo! We found out the day before we were leaving and Julianna called Kiis Fm on her break to see when they would give out the passes. She didn't know when cause we can't exactly hear LA radio up here so she asked them when they were giving them away and the next thing ya know, she won the passes! She wasn't gonna tell me! Try to surprise me, lol! But yeah, the in studio was great, I especially like when we walk in and Pierre goes..."OOOOHH Shit!" and looks at us, lol, we think he recognized us. and we were right next to Chuck and Julianna was all "I dont know if you remember..." and before she finished he was all "Of course I remember you guys! Your at every fucking show!" Anyways...if you live in the LA area, you may have heard the interview which was pretty great if ya ask me, some funny favorite...Pierre describing the bunks on the bus..."its like a coffin nailed shut, well its not really nailed shut but you can NAIL...(implying sex if you caught that). A few more notable quotes... a caller called in and David asked how old she was and she said 13 and david was like "ok talk to ya later!" lol, at least he abides by the laws...David also was very proud of the fact that he gave Britney Spears a red bull cause she needed one real bad...and the guys said what hotel they stayed at on the radio! and they even said Pat's room #! David told people that they can "hook up at the hook-up and go out...not 'hook up'" (in a sex way) it was also funny when they announced Avril's song and David and Pierre started singing it, another caller called in right before a Sadie's dance and the guys were like "DON'T GIVE IT UP! HE'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!" lmao...It was cool, after the interview, the guys did group pix with the winner and guest. Julianna was in between Pierre and Seb and I was in between David and Chuck. Julianna struck up a convo with Pierre and said "it's been a long time" and Pierre was like "it certainly has" and Julianna was like "what's it been, 23 days?" and Pierre goes "Yeah, we aren't counting either!" LMAO!!!!! So next thing ya know, Pierre is all *to Julianna* "Come Here" *wink wink* ::hand gestures for her to go in for a hug:: and he hugged her! lol. we walked back in the lil room and some girl was like *to julianna* "DID YOU HUG HIM!?" and she was all "Yeah..." anyways...on a side note, Jeff wasn't there because of "explosive diarrhea" *code for something...we haven't figured it out yet...* and oh yeah...when we were going up to the studio, we got stuck in a damn elevator! so yeah, the in studio was awesome, I would love to go to one again! So moving on...we went out after a swing by Staples center...Not as many celebs were out Friday night cause there were parties all over town...there were a few celebs though...most importantly, JC Chasez! Julianna was like "shes fuckin sick, she has nsync tattooed on her back!" and I showed him my nsync tattoo and he was all "thats awesome" or something like that and his record producer, Rob Boldt was like "your fuckin crazy!" lol, maybe I am. At the beginning of the night, Julianna goes...omg! its Hilary Duff's friend Marco! So I say "Marco?" and she is all "Duff?" and he hella whips around and smiles and laughs. But anyways, some more celebs include David Hasselhoff, the candy kid from Celebrities Uncensored 21, Camille Guaty ("Gotta Kick It Up") I looked at her and was like "Gotta Kick It Up!" and she looked over at me and smiled and waved, at first I wasn't sure it was her but when she waved, I knew so I asked for a pic and she was all "I have that shirt! "Support the arts...sleep with a musician" right?" and I was all "yeah!" so anyways...I got a pic with her, she was really nice to me, not so nice to the club people, but I cant blame her, they wouldnt let her in, Matt Felker...the guy who Britney made out with in the Toxic video (i was all, "you made out with britney huh!? can I get a pic?!"), Simon Rex again, Dom Monaghan (he did a lil video shout out for Michelle), Billy Boyd, Rick Fox (saw him), Tom Green, Mishca Barton (media whore and not fan friendly I least she said sorry), Denzel Washington (saw him), Lindsay Lohan (saw her), it was mostly a night of seeing stars, not actually getting pix with and anyways...moving on, we went to SP's hotel in the morn and no one was out yet so we went over to the Scooby Doo 2 premiere and met Ruben Studdard! We went back to hotel and as we walked up, all these SP roadies were outside wearing Role Model and stuff so we went inside...we waited for a lil while and then the guys started to trickle down. Seb first and we actually chatted with him! then Pat came down and we asked why he hasnt added our site yet and if you have seen the dvd, the part when he is doing "faces" and Pierre asks him what he is doing and he says "nothing...*smirk smirk* don't you have a fitting or something?...fuck off!" well, that was the way he said "i don't know what ur talking about" lol. then he was like "i have it in my lil sidekick, i will add it later" so yeah. we got a hot pic of pat and seb together...but moving came Jeff, then "diva Pierre" Julianna walked up to him and was like "Pierre, can we get a pic" and he was all "no" and kept walking so we were both like "pshhh" but he was all "Just Kidding!" and came walking back hehehe, then Chuck, then David...julianna was like "god damnit, where did she go and David was like "i think she went back to the chair" lmao, i sat, saw him and bounced right back up, lol! So yeah, anyways, they loaded into the van and we walked to the red carpet. as we were standing on the corner waiting to cross the street to the fan area, the guys were in the van right next to us. lol, kinda embarrassing. But anyways, we went to the area and they got out and did the red carpet, we got pix and video of it so yeah. Another added bonus...Freddie Prinze Jr, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Matthew Lillard came over to sign stuff for the fans, Freddie was the only one who came our way but that was all i cared about anyways. I love that guy, I have for like 6 years! I had him sign a pin-up for me and julianna and i snapped some pix of him, he's so hot, let me tell you. But anyways, we went to the lil concert area where Ruben and SP were performing and we ended up having to go to this balcony behind the stage. It was cool and all, the guys are awesome live, it was the first time they had ever performed "don't wanna think about you" live so we got the exclusive! but yeah anyways, we met up with Autumn before all this so we hung out with her for the day. She had never met SP so she talked her dad into letting her stay and we stayed with her so that she could have someone take pix of her and the guys. Her dad was saying "your not gonna meet them" and we were like "yes she will" and sure enough, she did! she got pix with all them including Pat and she even had Chuck leave a voice message for her friend! We had David do a video shout out for Jenna and oh man, its the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life, its just so wrong that its great! So yeah, I hope she had a good time cause I know we did! But after SP left, Seth Green and Matthew Lillard came out and they signed a couple things for people and we got some pix of them. after that, we decided to call it a day and head on home to bay area...

For the Simple Plan pix go to:
Scooby Doo 2 Premiere
Kiis FM JoJo In Studio

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